Jean will be launching her new collection ‘Speak to the Earth‘ at the Quaker Meeting House, Settle on Friday 8th November at 7.30.
These are searching, restless poems, haunted by both darkness and light, by how we damage the earth and how we are forever connected to it. Their yearning for what is tender within us as well as what is wild is both a surprise and a delight.
Kim Moore
Persuasive and deeply moving
The Yorkshire Times
For Jean Stevens, love, grief, elegy, longing are insuperable states of mind, as natural as the taking of measured breaths
Stevens’ relationship with landscape is existentially-charged, and in Speak to the Earth – a message of love and nourishment to the visible universe – she offers a fitting libation to a natural world which continues to give her comfort in times of retreat and contemplation.
Steve Whitaker