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A painter’s eye and a poet’s heart!
In this final collection of poems Jean Harrison’s hallmark style of concise and careful observation invites us into a world where buses glide like angels and silence is a lightweight fleece, her wry humour often at work below the surface.
KIM MOORE Winner, Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize
Jean Harrison was an accomplished writer whose poems were rewarded with prizes and commendations and achieved placements on prestigious shortlists as well as publication in very many UK literary magazines. Since her debut poetry collection in 2008, Jean has had a second volume of poems and two novels published, all by Cinnamon Press, and a pamphlet-sized collection, The Tilt, by Wayleaves Press. Upon graduation from Oxford, Jean qualified as a teacher, a career which took her to Kent, Warwick, Ghana, Leeds, Birmingham, Watford and Exeter, before her retirement to Settle. In 2003 Jean was a founder member of Settle Sessions. Based at the Folly, this organisation of poets arranges workshops and regular readings where poets with national reputations are invited to perform alongside local poets. Jean died in February 2020 having all but completed the manuscript of this book. This posthumous collection serves as a memorial to her.
The proceeds from this book will be used to maintain the Contemporary Poetry Library at The Folly, Settle, which was founded by the donation to the Museum of North Craven Life of Jean Harrison’s extensive personal collection.
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More about Jean Harrison here.