Wendy H. Gabrielsen


Born in London, Wendy moved to Oslo in 1987 after completing an MA in Translation at the University of Surrey, where she also met her Norwegian translator husband.
Wendy translated two works of non-fiction early on, but then became increasingly involved in teaching English, mainly at the University of Oslo and the French School in Oslo. After many years in the classroom she has now returned to translating literature. The day that never happened is her first published translation of a work of fiction, and she has other projects underway.
As well as working as a literary translator and producing sample translations, she also provides copy editing and proofreading services.

Stig Bareksten: Den nye akevitten – The New Aquavit, Bareksten (forthcoming in 2022)
Gerd Kvanvig: Dagen som ikke finnes – The Day that Didn’t Happen, Naked Eye Publishing (forthcoming in 2022)
Espen A. Jacobsen: Kystferie i Norge – Exploring the Norwegian Coast, Vigmostad & Bjørke, 2022
Torunn Liven (red.): Gjennom koreografi – Through Choreography: Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt, Solum Bokvennen, 2021
P. Chr. Asbjørnsen & Jørgen Moe: Fairy Tales from Norway (contributing translator), Oris forlag, 1992
Anders Ole Hauglid: Maihaugen: The Sandvig Collections Guide, Cappelen, 1989 and 1994
Olaf Heitkøtter and Arvid Møller: Se Norges OL-dal – Norway’s Olympic Valley, Cappelen, 1989

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