Oct 022019

True Life Nude is the third part of Suki the life-model’s autobiographical trilogy. It was published in January 2020.

A Small Life and Two Small Lives are the first two parts of Suki’s life-story. At the opening of this final part of the trilogy Suki has escaped to Berlin to try and pick up the threads of her former seventeen-year relationship with Ilka. Despite Suki’s recent ‘success’ as a writer (the modest publication by a small press of her first novel) she must still work as a jobbing life-model to make ends meet.

From what has Suki ‘escaped’? Well – the trauma of a stillborn child, followed by a distractingly riotous fling with dominating control-freak Tamara: zany and fun – but a BDSM relationship didn’t look anywhere near as safe as…
…Acquiescent Ilka.

So will Berlin be the answer? Resorting to the manageable familiarity of a passionless relationship in order to write? Having to work for artists (German ones this time) to get money? Has Suki attained her dream? The pot of gold? The realisation of her raison d’etre?

And if so then why, with her literary agent keenly awaiting her next manuscript, is it proving impossible to get down to it?

If Berlin is not Suki’s final destination, then what next?

Here the writer is laid bare to her bones, then she is pared back further to the very heart of what it means to be human. This is a captivating story about a quixotic quest to find meaning through writing and poetry and art, even as the world is falling apart. Suki is a hero for our times.

Apart from being well-written, moving, smart, funny, I can’t remember the last time I read anything so interesting. It absolutely feels and reads like an important piece of writing.
Meredi Ortega

Buy it with free delivery worldwide from Blackwell’s here. Otherwise online or from all good bookshops.

Apr 172018

IMG_2734a_sm_sqNaked Eye is delighted to announce that it has obtained the translation rights from the German publishing house Kiepenheuer und Witsch to Kathrin Schmidt’s prize-winning novel Du Stirbst Nicht (You’re not going to die).

Du Stirbst Nicht won the German Book Prize in 2009 and has since been translated into thirteen other languages, but never yet into English. We are proud to be the first publisher to introduce this multi-award-winning novelist and poet to the English-speaking world. The Naked Eye English translation will be by Christina Les.

Du stirbst nicht is a novel about a woman who wakes up from a coma and has to piece together her memory. As Helene remembers details of her past life, we feel her shock, joy and sadness. She mourns anew for people she has lost, has to befriend old familiars all over again, and relives moving moments – all the while going through therapy to repair her body and mind. As it turns out, all is not as rosy as she thought when she first woke up and encountered her devoted husband. Although in essence the novel could be set almost anywhere, Helene’s memories are of East Germany, and there are fascinating elements of political reflection on the events of 1989 and what came after them. All in all, Kathrin Schmidt does actually tell an inspiring life and love story such as you might find in more conventional “women’s fiction” (how I hate that label) – but she does it so expertly that the book is much more than that. – kjd, love german books

Reviews of Du Stirbst Nicht:

An outstanding, true novel Meike Fessmann, Süddeutsche Zeitung

A great novel about illness, language and identity […] Kathrin Schmidt is one of the most important authors of her generation in Germany. Literaturen

Between death and finding language: Kathrin Schmidt’s novel ‘You’re not going to die’ gets under your skin Helmut Böttiger, Zeit Online

Once again, Kathrin Schmidt proves to be a narrative virtuoso who brings to light collective historical memories in the personal destiny of her protagonist. Spiegel Online

…a book about what makes a person – what drives them and what sustains them. Frankfurter Rundschau

Breathtakingly accurate, Kathrin Schmidt paints the tedious path back into human existence. Neue Zürcher Zeitung

You’re not going to die is scheduled for publication in 2020/21.

Sep 072017

kick off cover F1Bd copyNaked Eye is pleased to publish David Pendleton’s book Kick-off; The start of spectator sports as the first in its Potted Theses series.

“It is to be hoped that David Pendleton’s wonderfully readable and entertaining vision of a past which remains central to the way we still perceive ourselves, will become a staple of sporting history bookshelves.”
The Yorkshire Times

Kick-off charts and analyses the experience of Bradford in relation to the national development of sport in the modern city and how spectator sport, in particular, helped shape personal and civic identities in a bourgeoning industrial community. What took place in Bradford in the latter half of the nineteenth century was nothing less than a sporting industrial revolution, whose effects remain with us to this day.

Buy it with free delivery worldwide from Blackwell’s here. Otherwise online or from all good bookshops.

Read more about David Pendleton here.

More about the Potted Theses series here.

Return to the homepage here.

Apr 262017

Hangzhou320squareNaked Eye will soon be publishing a range of art books and exhibition catalogues featuring the work of contemporary artists and photographers. More information will be on the website soon.

Return to our homepage here.

Apr 262017

TLNCover square‘True Life Nude’, Part III of Suki’s trilogy,

A Small Life and Two Small Lives are the first two parts of Suki’s life-story. At the opening of this final part of the trilogy Suki has escaped to Berlin to try and pick up the threads of her former seventeen-year relationship with Ilka. Despite Suki’s recent ‘success’ as a writer (the modest publication by a small press of her first novel) she must still work as a jobbing life-model to make ends meet.

From what has Suki ‘escaped’? Well – the trauma of a stillborn child, followed by a distractingly riotous fling with dominating control-freak Tamara: zany and fun – but a BDSM relationship didn’t look anywhere near as safe as…

…Acquiescent Ilka.

So will Berlin be the answer? Resorting to the manageable familiarity of a passionless relationship in order to write? Having to work for artists (German ones this time) to get money? Has Suki attained her dream? The pot of gold? The realisation of her raison d’etre?

And if so then why, with her literary agent keenly awaiting her next manuscript, is it proving impossible to get down to it?

If Berlin is not Suki’s final destination, then what next? 

Here the writer is laid bare to her bones, then she is pared back further to the very heart of what it means to be human. This is a captivating story about a quixotic quest to find meaning through writing and poetry and art, even as the world is falling apart. Suki is a hero for our times. 
Apart from being well-written, moving, smart, funny, I can’t remember the last time I read anything so interesting. It absolutely feels and reads like an important piece of writing. Meredi Ortega

You can read an online version here.

You can buy a copy of True Life Nude in the UK from Bookshop.org here (or from here in the US.)
(We may earn a commission from Bookshop.org, whose fees support independent bookshops.)

Return to our homepage here.

Mar 162017

blog-post-link-1-square‘Books from blogs’ is a concept unique to Naked Eye.

We are interested in discussing with writers of blogs the possibility of you editing some of your material for publication in book form. Contact us for further information.

Return to our homepage here.

Nov 012014

Potted Thesis generic Front Cover copy2

We publish concise layperson-friendly versions of PhD and other research theses to bring to a wider audience the ideas and wisdom of people whose master oeuvre may otherwise languish in eternal obscurity in an academic library. The requirements of academic rigour can make theses tedious to wade through, weighed down as they are by unwieldy chapters on methodology and statistics. The ‘potted thesis’ concept is to consign the boring bits to the footnotes, refining the text to convey the kernel of the idea and the meat of the discussion – the bits the author will tell you about at parties.

To aid readers encountering a subject for the first time, our potted theses may include a guest editor’s or the series editor’s clarifications and commentary or questions to the author.

“Settle publisher Naked Eye’s Potted Thesis series is an intelligent and innovative new venture.”

“Naked Eye’s approach gives the mainstream reader what he or she most wants: accurate history, incisive argument and engaging presentation, in the kind of divertingly bite-sized chunks which subordinate pages of turgid supporting statistics to startling revelations, and sometimes to counter-intuitive factual evidence.”
The Yorkshire Times

Return to our homepage here.